
Profumeria Franco

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Aperto ancora 15:23 ore
Aperto ancora 15:23 ore
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Tag di ricerca per Profumeria Franco:

trucco, franco, cosmesi, profumeria, cosmetici, profumi, prodotti bellezza


Aperto ancora 15:23 ore

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Profumeria Bertolone (distanza: 0,34 km)
San Marco 4355/4356, 30124 Venezia
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Profumeria Bertolone (distanza: 0,35 km)
Calle dei fuseri 4356, 30124 Venezia
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Profumeria La Fata Verde (distanza: 0,61 km)
Cannaregio 4556, 30121 Venezia
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Profumeria Elisir Di Turissini Alessandra (distanza: 0,98 km)
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Profumeria Mimosa (distanza: 1,04 km)
Salizada dei Greci 3320, 30122 Castello
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Aperto ancora 15:23 ore

Recensioni ed esperienze su Profumeria Franco

da Jason Lee su 05.02.2020 alle 16:00 in punto | Scrivi recensione
Please read this if you're willing to buy something here!!! Never go to this shop. They're selling defective goods without any notice and cheat you. Here's what happened to me from 30.Jan to today. 1. I went to there to buy the shaving kit with my wife on 30.Jan. 2. I wanted to buy the shaving stand for razor & brush, but store was not selling stand only. So their staff offered us to buy stand & razor together. 3. When considering to buy, She asked "Would you buy?" and started wrapping up the goods with paper only before I check the goods condition.  I don't understand why she didn't check if any defects on the products before wrapping it up, but I trusted them and their brand value which has a long history. 4. I got the shaving kit, backed to hotel. Then when I checked the goods and found the serious defects. As you can see on the picture, the neck of the razor was almost broken and there was scratches in the head. Razor blade also was damaged. If I had known this defects, I would never bought it! 5. I've sent e-mail to them about this issue on the same day. But no reply from them. I also sent e-mail today again and still no reply. It's so disappointed with the brand and their service. I feel really bad. Have never seen deceiving shops in Italy before.(Staff might have noticed the defects when she wrapped the goods.) Their product's quality is poor and I'm more disappointed about their customer service. Please don't go to this shop, if you don't want to regret.
Profumeria Franco
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