
Power On Italia Store

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Apre in 02:08 ore


Power On Italia Store a Roma
Via Boccea 286B/288
00175 Roma

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Fax.: 1782209289
poweronstore.com/ »
info@poweronitalia.com (Invia il messaggio ora)

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Apre in 02:08 ore
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Orari di apertura

Lunedi 10:00-13:00 e 16:00-19:00
Martedi 10:00-13:00 e 16:00-19:00
Mercoledi 10:00-13:00 e 16:00-19:00
Giovedi 10:00-13:00 e 16:00-19:00
Venerdi 10:00-13:00 e 16:00-19:00
Sabato 10:00-13:00
Domenica chiuso
Adesso sono le ore 07:52

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Tag di ricerca per Power On Italia Store:

store, telefonia, italia, smartphone, cellulari, on, power, linkem, tiscali


Apre in 02:08 ore

Calcola itinerario:

Ulteriori offerte:

Power On Italia Store S.a.s (distanza: 0,00 km)
Via di Boccea 286B/288, 00167 Roma
assistenza, carta, cartucce, italia, on, power, recupero dari, s.a.s, stampanti, store, toner

Power Padel Italia (distanza: 0,61 km)
Via Mattia Battistini 149, 00167 Roma
azienda, cliente, fabbrica, italia, padel, power, vendita

Jc On The Road Pictures Srl (distanza: 1,11 km)
Via Polacco 64, 00184 Roma
bar, birrerie, jc, on, paninoteche, pictures, road, the

Buscaini On Line Srl (distanza: 1,60 km)
Via Di Torrevecchia 1050, 00168 Roma
buscaini, catalogo, corrispond, line, on, vendite

Food On Demand Srl (distanza: 2,52 km)
Via Giulio Venticinque 50, 00136 Roma
bar, birrerie, demand, food, on, paninoteche

Associazione Culturale On The Road (distanza: 2,59 km)
Via Pietro Adami 91, 00168 Roma
associazione, bar, birrerie, culturale, on, paninoteche, road, the

Apre in 02:08 ore

Recensioni ed esperienze su Power On Italia Store

da Kathy Kida su 02.02.2021 alle 12:17 in punto | Scrivi recensione
I had a great experience with this store. I have been there twice the first time to buy a printer and the second time as I had a problem with my computer. They are very professional and sorted the problem out strait away. The printer is great and the prices are good. I'd recommend the store to any one. Kathy
Power On Italia Store
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