
Smith Transfer

🕒 Aperto
Aggiornato il: 13.01.2025
Aperto ancora 06:11 ore
Aperto ancora 06:11 ore
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Orari di apertura

Lunedi 09:00-19:30
Martedi 09:00-19:30
Mercoledi 09:00-19:30
Giovedi 09:00-19:30
Venerdi 09:00-19:30
Sabato 09:00-19:30
Domenica chiuso
Adesso sono le ore 13:19

Aggiorna dati
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Tag di ricerca per Smith Transfer:

srl, punto, smith, money transfer, trasferimento denaro, inviare denaro, transfer, incassare denaro, spedire denaro, trasferimento di denaro a un conto bancario


Aperto ancora 06:11 ore

Calcola itinerario:

Ulteriori offerte:

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Via Giobetti 7, 10024 Moncalieri
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Quik Transfer Di El Sayed Barakat Mohamed Baher (distanza: 5,15 km)
Via Nizza 13/f, 10125 Torino
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E.Pinoy Travel and Money Transfer (distanza: 5,34 km)
Via Magenta 5\B, 10128 Torino
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Smith Transfer (distanza: 5,82 km)
Via Verzuolo 42F, 10139 Torino (TO)
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Rpd Transfer Di Orezeanu Catalin & c. Sas Siglabile Rpd Sas (distanza: 7,54 km)
Via Sassari 20/a, 10152 Torino
agenti, assicuraz, catalin, orezeanu, rpd, serv, siglabile, transfer

Rpd Transfer Di Orezeanu Catalin & Co. Sas Siglabile Rpd Sas (distanza: 7,54 km)
Via Sassari 20/a, 10152 Torino
assic, catalin, finanz, immob, intermediaz, orezeanu, rpd, siglabile, transfer

Aperto ancora 06:11 ore

Recensioni ed esperienze su Smith Transfer

da Simona su 04.08.2020 alle 18:18 in punto | Scrivi recensione
I bought some flight tickets from them and the airline company cancelled the initial flight time table, but the travel agency did not bother to inform me. Furthermore they didn't want to offer me my legal rights (free changing date for another flight or a full refund as it is not compulsory to accept the cancellation of a flight). The owner knew all these legal rights but he refuses to have a normal communication and he treats me with so much disrespect. My opinion is that the owners are very rude people for the position they have in their company and for their mean intensions they are Big Crooks. Avoid this company as they have no respect for their clients!
Smith Transfer
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