
Dr. Clemente Zorzetto

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Apre in 05:12 ore
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Adesso sono le ore 03:48

Chirurgo plastico ed estetico

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dr., estetico, clemente, zorzetto, chirurgo


Apre in 05:12 ore

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Via Piave 6, 40123 Bologna (BO)
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Ambulatorio Veterinario Associato Calderoni & Clemente (distanza: 4,74 km)
Piazza della Pace 4/b-c-d, 40134 Bologna
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Avvocato Clemente Alessandro (distanza: 6,07 km)
Piazza Franklin Delano Roosevelt 4, 40123 Bologna (BO)
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Avvocato Riva di Sanseverino Clemente (distanza: 6,85 km)
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Com 2 Snc Di Rinaldi Clemente e Tullini Simone e c. (distanza: 9,17 km)
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Apre in 05:12 ore

Recensioni ed esperienze su Dr. Clemente Zorzetto

da ospite su 26.10.2018 alle 12:13 in punto | Scrivi recensione
Very problematic result of upper lip surgery with Dr. Zorzetto to remove permanent filler from the lip, in my opinion. Please see pictures of my result >1 year after surgery with Dr. Zorzetto with my review at Dr. Zorzetto's business page at Yelp. The upper lip up until the nose looks thickened, stiff, immobile, discolored, with a layer of fibrous tissue. I feel afraid, since I doubt this can be solved - as has been indicated in consults with some of the most renowned surgeons in the world. As scarring appears to be in the subcutaneous layer and to cover the entire upper lip, I was informed it can never be removed. In addition: surgeons are unsure if the muscle contains scar tissue too - which could never be removed. Dr. Zorzetto has shut the door, unwilling to give any answers or medical records that could help to find a solution. Sollicitations for medical records and documents of my payments have been left unanswered - for months. Dr. Zorzetto said prior to closing off completely he 'can't predict how a patient heals' and that he is "not God" (which of course, I understand). Yet, I've never healed with excessive fibrosis after any injury.There also still appears to be quite a bit of silicone in the lip. Edit: the FNOMCeO states Dr. Zorzetto has no 'specializzazioni' at all: also not in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The FNOMCeO just states he finished his medical studies without obtaining a specialisation. A doctor in Italy is only allowed to call himself plastic or aesthetic surgeon after finishing a 5 years specialisation in Plastic or Reconstructive surgery. In the UK (where Dr. Z currently doesn't hold a license to practise anymore) he is not registered as a specialist (eg. a Plastic Surgeon) either with the GMC.
Dr. Clemente Zorzetto
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